The DAI is pleased to offer a wide variety of student resources and events, as well as educational and developmental opportunities for both teachers and students of all ages and abilities.

Teachers interested in further developing their skills should check out our Teacher Training offerings.

If you are looking for fun and creative experiences for your students, we have academic experts who specialize in Lectures on a wide range of engaging topics, Workshops that allow students to get hands-on experience on a focused topic or activity, or English-language tours of the historic city center of Nuremberg (Nürnberger Altstadt) in the Open Air Classroom.

Students interested in furthering their English skills and working with teammates toward a common goal, may be a good fit for the DAI Key Club or our annual reading competition, Battle of the Books NBG.

In addition, the DAI frequently hosts special events and exhibitions throughout the year and we are always open to working with teachers to develop individual projects or events.

To stay on top of everything we do, be sure to subscribe to our Teacher Newsletter. Of course we welcome hearing from you at any time! +49 (0)911. 230 69 - 0 or