English Open Air Classroom

ab 9. Klasse

Bei einem Spaziergang durch Nürnbergs großes Freiluft-Klassenzimmer bekommen Schüler ab der 9. Klasse, die über fortgeschrittene Sprachkenntnisse verfügen, die Gelegenheit, mit der Unterstützung erfahrener Nürnberger Stadtführer ihren englischen Wortschatz in vertrauter Umgebung zu erweitern und bereits erlerntes Vokabular zu festigen. Im Rahmen der historisch-orientierten Arbeit, in die bereits vorhandene Kenntnisse mit einbezogen werden, können die Schüler während des Rundgangs vor mittelalterlicher Kulisse ihr Englisch im Gespräch mit Muttersprachlern üben. Kreative pädagogische Methoden, die von Anschauungsmaterialien, Vokabellisten sowie nicht zuletzt einer guten Prise Humor gestützt werden, ermöglichen es den Schülern, positive Erfahrungen mit der englischen Sprache zu machen.

Dauer: 90 Minuten
Stadtführerinnen: Ruth Hapke und Anne Hayner-Hefner
Kosten: 85€ pro Gruppe, max. Teilnehmer 25
Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte Katya Davis unter programm@dai-nuernberg.de.

Human Rights Tours

The Way of Human Rights and Jewish Memorial

Grades 8 and above, PDF flyer

This tour will take us from the oldest neighborhood in Nürnberg to the Way of Human Rights and Jewish memorial. We will discuss the city’s history regarding human rights, as well as reflect upon the significance of the pillars lining the Way of Human Rights. Each pillar represents the “building blocks” of human rights and serves to remind us of the road it took to get where we are today and the challenges we may face to preserve these rights for the future. Students will be engaged to take notes and discuss the importance of each human right. To conclude the tour, we will visit the Jewish monument for a discussion about the human rights violations committed against Jewish people during the Second World War. Students on this tour will come full circle in history, seeing how the past impacts the present and how our actions today shape the future. 

Duration: 75 minutes
Guide: Corrine Tucker, M.A. Human Rights
Cost: 90€ per group
For more information and booking, please contact Katya Davis at programm@dai-nuernberg.de.


Dutzendteich and Nazi Party Rallying Grounds

Grades 10 and above, PDF flyer

Standing on the same ground where Nazis held their party rallies directly confronts students with difficult questions: How did these rallies convince so many people that their harmful ideology was worth following? Why would this monument be preserved? And what can we do today to prevent the atrocities the Nazi Regime committed from ever happening again? Today, Nürnberg is known as the city of Peace and Human Rights. This tour will guide students on the evolution of Nürnberg, explaining its history at the location of some of its darkest moments, and how it evolved into what we know today.

Duration: 90 minutes
Guide: Corrine Tucker, M.A. Human Rights
Cost: 95€ per group
For more information and booking, please contact Katya Davis at programm@dai-nuernberg.de.

Baseball Workshop

Aimed at school groups, preferably 8th grade and up. PDF Flyer here.

Are your students interested in baseball, "America's favorite pastime?" Would you like to shake things up and take your class outside for a fun, interactive workshop? 

Then our Baseball Workshop is the perfect opportunity for you! The Fürth Pirates will first give your class an introduction (can be done in both English and German) into the rules and history of baseball. Students will learn how to catch and hit and then it's time to play ball!

The course is aimed at school groups. The workshop takes place at the Fürth Pirates' ballpark in Fürth-Burgfarnnbach, but can also be hosted at the DAI and the Wöhrder Wiese.

Duration: 2-3 hours
Instructor: Georg Barth
Cost: 5-8€ per student, depending on class size

For more information and booking, please contact Katya Davis at programm@dai-nuernberg.de.