The German-American Institute: Franconia's American Space

As an official "American Space," the DAI has been providing a welcoming environment where visitors can connect and learn about the United States for more than 75 years now.

This is what we focus on:

  • Our English-language library
  • Individual counseling on studying, traveling or working in the USA
  • Language classes taught by professional native speakers
  • Children's and youth program like "After School English", the "Children's Reading Corner," photo projects, workshops, essay contests, our yearly "Battle of the Books" as well as our youth organization: the Amerikahaus Youth Club
  • Talks, readings, concerts, exhibitions featuring American artists and scholars (see Events)
  • Introducing the German public to American holidays such as July 4, Halloween, and Thanksgiving
  • Providing an ideal meeting place for Germans and Americans living in the Nuremberg area