Teacher Trainings

Are you looking for ways to be innovative in the classroom? Could you use some fresh ideas and teaching methods to help keep kids engaged and interested? The German-American Institute Nuremberg works with top experts in the field of education to provide quality training for teachers on a variety of topics, using diverse settings. Popular areas include the use of Film and teaching about Film in the classroom, as well as topics ranging from Politics to Pop Culture, Civil Rights, Immigration, Going Green, and much much more.   

Every autumn we offer in cooperation with RLFB (Regionale Lehrerfortbildung) a full day of workshops on a specific theme, giving teachers a chance to discuss and share best practices together, in addition to hearing from the experts.

We are an official partner of the Ministry of Education & Culture of Bavaria, therefore you can sign up through FIBS or simply by sending an E-Mail for the specific training you are interested in.

To stay on top of the latest offerings, subscribe to our Teacher Newsletter or send your questions to us.

Upcoming workshops: 

1. Human Rights in the Classroom: How To Address Social Challenges | March 15th 2024 | 9 AM -  2 PM | NMRZ Hans-Sachs-Platz 2, 90403 Nürnberg | You can find more information by clicking this link

2. African American History On Screen | April 30th 2024 | 9 AM- 3 PM | Casablanca Filmkunsttheater, Brosamerstraße 1290459 Nürnberg | You can find more information by clicking this link