How it works

Does the DAI accept donations?

Yes. We accept all English language books.

Does the DAI accept German language book donations?

 No. If there are any German language books found in any donations, we will automatically put them aside for our book sale.

How does the DAI assess which books go into the library?

Our team looks at the quality of the book, the subject matter, and check if it is something we already carry.  If it is not and we can use it, we will add it into our circulation. 

What happens to books that are not used for the library?

 If we determine that we cannot use the donation, we will set it aside for our annual book sale.

What happens to the books that do not sell?

Books that do not sell are then donated to the local Red Cross.

Does the DAI accept donations other than books?

Yes.  We will also accept English language Magazines and region 2* DVDs. 

We will also gladly accept complete sets of games (both for children and adults) and complete puzzles.

(*region 2 DVD's are from the UK or Europe and must work on German DVD players!)

Thank you for your interest!