Join us!



The DAI is pleased to welcome volunteers who are interested in working without pay. There is almost a constant need for native speakers of English to support certain program offerings. We are especially happy to find volunteers for our children's and youth work, for example, for the "Battle of the Books".
Informational Flyer Volunteering

The DAI is also a contact point for those searching for a "language tandem". This is an independent partnership for intercultural exchange, in which people with different native languages work together in pairs to learn each other's language, find out more about the each other's life and culture and to exchange other valuable information - for example, knowledge which can be of use in the workplace.



In general, an internship at the DAI is always possible. Prerequisites are a minimum duration of two months and a timely arrangement of dates with the Program Management. If you are interested, please send us your letter of application and resume by e-mail. The internship position is unpaid. We occasionally accept interns who are currently enrolled in high school or who are seeking a Betriebspraktikum. These students are welcome to apply as well.
Informational Flyer Internship


Native speakers / Language trainers

The DAI offers language courses only from native speakers. Currently, however, we are not looking for new language trainers.

Please direct any inquiries to:
Kathryn Trotter, M.A.
Tel. +49 (0)911 . 230 69 - 0