Student Lectures

We offer schools throughout Bavaria the opportunity to hear entertaining and informative lectures presented by one of our academic experts. There are a variety of topics to choose from, ranging from Civil rights and US race relations to immigration, the environment, or America in the age of Trump. Lectures can be held at the DAI or at your school, depending on number of students and distance to travel. As a rule, we charge 4-6€ per student, as it depends on the size of the group. The lectures are given in English and are recommended for school classes’ grade 10 and up. Lectures can also be held online upon request.

To book a lecture, please contact Katya Davis at

4-6€ per student I 90 minutes I 10th grade and up I at your school or online I in English


List of Topics and Lecturers

Fiona Pleasance, M.A. Film Studies
• Looking at Films: Cinematography
• Looking at Films: Mise-en-scène
• Looking at Films: Editing
• Looking at Films: Sound

Andrea Kuhn, M.A., Filmfestival der Menschenrechte
• Film Analysis: The Construction of Motion Pictures

Dr. Jonah Otto, Universität Augsburg
• US Judiciary/Supreme Court
• US Voting Systems/Voting Rights
• US Federalism
• US State Department & Diplomacy
• US Legislative Process
• US Higher Education
• US Nonprofit Sector, Philanthropy & Volunteerism
• US Presidency
• US Checks and Balances
• Brexit
• Scottish Independence

Prof. Dr. Volker Depkat, Universität Regensburg
• Immigration to the US since 1975
• The History of the Civil Rights Movement
• Populism and American Democracy
• US Foreign Policy since 1914/1945/1991/2001
• The Crisis of American Democracy since 1975

Dr. Markus Hünemörder, LMU München
• From National Parks to Climate Change: Environmental Activism and Politics in the US
• Key Issues in American Foreign Policy – From George Washington to “America First” and Beyond
• To Keep and Bear Arms? Guns, Gun Control, and Mass Shootings in the US
• Immigration and the United States – Of Melting Pots and Border Fences
• “I Can’t Breathe:” Contemporary Race Relations in the US
• State and Religion in the US: A Nation with the Soul of a Church
• The Simpsons and American Society – Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of the Perfect Donut
• The Simpsons and Politics: E Pluribus Springfield
• USA Update 2021 – A House Divided