Getting Started Again: Conversation with Confidence (Level A2/B1)

Anne Johnson

Expand your fluency and confidence in speaking English in a small group (a maximum of 6 participants). If you don’t have regular contact with the language, this is a good way to practice and improve your English skills. Interesting topics and a variety of language activities from English language publications (all available in the DAI library) provide the background to this course, which aims to develop both confidence and comprehension in conversation skills. Level: 3 to 5 years of school English or equivalent knowledge.

Dienstags, 10x
€ 160,- / FV € 150,-
Registration required
engl. Sprache

02. October 2018
19:00 – 20:30


DAI - Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Gleißbühlstraße 9 90402 Nürnberg